How happy are you at work?
How happy are you at work?
We believe that happiness is good for everyone. So, we've created FridayOne to help you reflect on how happy you are at work.
It only takes 5 minutes to complete the test. Once completed, we'll send you a personalized report packed with insights and tips.
It only takes 5 minutes to complete the test. Once completed, we'll send you a personalized report packed with insights and tips.

How we helped others
CEO & Business Growth Coach, Scaling Up
By tracking positive and negative emotions, and collecting ongoing communication and feedback, Friday Pulse gives real-time insights into how individuals and teams are coping, as everyone deals with a new
This data is invaluable.

Happiness at work matters
We believe that happiness at work is real, and it’s something you and your workplace can achieve.
Our happiness test scores you against The Five Ways to Happiness at Work, our people-based framework developed through 25 years of research into the science of happiness.
We will benchmark you against peers from smaller and larger organizations, different industry sectors and countries, as well as age and gender – with some quick tips to make your working life happier.

Here's how
your team and company also benefit:
- happier teams are more 22% more productive and 3x as creative
- businesses with positive cultures are more profitable and have 3-4% extra share price growth a year.
Take the test
(it only takes 5 minutes to complete it)
Once completed, we'll send you a personalized report packed with insights and tips.