Friday Pulse was never designed to pick up global trends — it’s a tool
for building positive experiences across the microcultures of an
organization. It emphasizes the team experience because we know from our
data that there are as many microcultures in an organization as there
are teams. It’s the blending of all these subcultures that creates the
work experience.
The core feature of Friday Pulse is to gather data on how people are
feeling at work. This data isn’t just used to observe how employees are
faring, it’s used to inform and influence how everyone works together.
The base scores of employees’ experience of work provide immediate
visibility to senior leaders into how every team is coping and, each
week, it provides actionable insights for team leaders.
There’s a growing body of proof on why a positive culture is crucial to
the success of a business. But that’s something we’ve known about for a while —
happy people do better work. They’re healthier, and less likely to
leave. They’re more creative and productive. These are things that
ultimately impact the bottom line.
Global trends found in every company
But when COVID-19 struck, our platform found a trend across all of our
clients, in every industry, at the same time. The graph below shows the
impact of the virus on employee experience.
There’s a bit of common sense to this — of course, COVID-19 would result
in a drop in happiness scores. However, the shape of this curve is
something with which we are very familiar — it’s a curve that happens at
both team and organizational level when setbacks occur. And now this
curve, which we had only seen on a case-by-case basis, can be found
across all organizations.
Since then, there has been a partial bounce back but there is still a
significant gap between the levels now and the pre-pandemic average
(69.6 on our 100-point scale). The road to recovery is bumpy and there
are potentials for second (and third) dips. But, even these dips in
team morale can have an impact on productivity, collaboration and
The stories within the curve - morale and workplace productivity during COVID
What’s important to note about this curve is that these are our clients
— organizations that are already monitoring experience weekly, as they
value their employees’ wellbeing and understand that high morale builds
better businesses. And, crucially, they actively act on their data.
Therefore, it’s quite probable that the resilience and rebound that
the curve displays is stronger in our clients than in the majority of
businesses globally.
The curve tells a story, or more accurately, it summarizes thousands of
stories. It shows how we collectively suffered a massive shock to the
system – at the same time. It shows people, teams and organizations
coping (or not) with the difficult and challenging circumstances. The
graphic below is a glimpse into the multitude of different team
experiences over the last two months.

It reveals much of what you already know — some people with emotional
and financial stability in their home lives are coping well. Others,
perhaps with young children in their households, have multiple stresses.
The circumstances that surround each individual team member varies from
person to person, team to team. It is dangerous to assume that when all
is quiet, all is well as some may be suffering in silence.
Ultimately this means that responses have to be nuanced and particular
as well. Because of the broad range of experiences and subcultures that
exist in an organization, a blanket response will likely be
unsuccessful. Businesses can and should use wellbeing data to navigate
their way through this global crisis and build resilience for the
The bounce back
We can’t draw any final conclusions with the data because we don’t yet
know how the story ends. But, we do know this: humans are resilient. We
want to bounce back. The curve over time shows the resilience of the
human spirit. Some of our clients have bounced back and are doing
well. However, that didn’t come with wishful thinking — they have
worked hard at it, tracked their team data and took appropriate actions
to help their people.
We\'re here to help
Friday Pulse is the only platform designed to help with resilient
team-building and increase
employee wellbeing. During this pandemic period, my team and I are
committed to helping businesses build better work cultures and improve
employee morale. That’s why, we are offering companies and teams (50 –
1,000 employees) free access to our Friday Pulse people platform for 12 weeks.
For more information on how we can help your organization weather the
crisis please contact Clive Steer